Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Class #46--7th Age PE

Tuesday, April 5, 2011, 2011, 10:45 A.M. 7th Age PE Class. Class #46 on my “50 Classes or Bust!” trek. As I enter the gymnasium, the boys are already running hard in an oval pattern around cones that have been set up by Mr. Vorsteg. At the conclusion of the warm-up, Mr. Vorsteg leads the students in a stretch of the major muscle groups. After being divided into five different groups, the boys hit a waffle ball off the top of a cone. After two swings with the plastic bat, the next boy takes his turn; Mr. Vorsteg circulates to provide individual tips and pointers about hand, feet, and bat placement. Multi-colored wiffle balls are flying around the gym! I can see the boys gaining confidence as they make solid contact and become more comfortable swinging the bat. When I ask two boys why they enjoy PE, one replies, "The fun games," and the other says, "I enjoy running around." Class concludes with a quick but effective clean-up. The boys line up and are off to math!