Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Terrific Finish

The students, faculty, staff, and administration truly rose to the occasion and "finished strong" over the past two weeks. Every day brought a special event, activity, or program, including the Pilot Class Fathers' Day Coffee, Lower School Final Assembly, Middle School Recognition Assembly, Lower School Closing Exercises for the 10th Age, the Dixon Dinner for 8th graders and their parents--featuring a student-choreographed dance involving all 46 members of the class!--and a wonderful Graduation ceremony for the Class of 2012 on the Castalia lawn on June 7. Graduation was perfect: the weather was stunning, the student presenters were eloquent, poised, and insightful, and the release of 46 doves provided an emotional conclusion to a moving ceremony. I will truly miss these 8th graders. They achieved at a high level in all facets of the Calvert experience--academics, arts, athletics, leadership, and community outreach. We send them off to 15 different schools with Calvert's love and very best wishes!

Now that summer is here, I will not be updating my blog, or updating it with any regularity. See you in late August!