“Folder papers” are a hallmark Calvert tradition. We believe strongly that student-generated work is crucial to educational development. At the end of each month from 7th Age through 10th Age, students send home a representative sample of their work. (In the Middle School, folder papers are called “portfolios”, and they go home quarterly). The work is compiled during the month and reviewed and checked by the homeroom teacher. Then, each student meets individually for a few minutes with an administrator—the Head of the Lower School or Assistant Head Master for example—to review his or her work. I review about three or four homerooms of folders each month as well. Today, I sat down with the boys of 8-1 (Mr. Shep’s class) to look at their first 8th Age folder papers. What a treat for me to be able to speak individually with each of the boys about their work and their progress! Below, you will see some pictures of their papers and folder covers.