Friday, September 17, 2010

Class #5--Earth Science

Thursday, September 16, 1:00 P.M., 6th Grade Earth Science Class. Class #5 on my “50 Classes or Bust!” quest. Mr. Ewen, who also coaches soccer and basketball and advises the Student Government, teaches all of the 6th grade earth science classes. Class began with a few warm-up questions: what is the difference between a pond and a lake? Would you consider the swimming area at Oregon Ridge State Park to be a pond or lake? Why? The key distinguishing factor, Mr. Ewen explained, is that if sun can hit the bottom, it is considered a pond, and if not, then it is a lake. The key activity for the next two classes will involve determining how much water a leaf on a tree gives off in 24 hours. The class reviewed the lab procedures, which include affixing a small plastic bag around multiple leaves (still on the branches), and then performing a series of measurements the next day, after the leaves have been removed from the trees. After developing their hypothesis statements, the students went outside to the trees across the stream (behind the Gazebo) to bag their leaves. I will have to circle back to the class to learn about their final calculations!