Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Day Excitement!

After a summer hiatus, my blog is back! I look forward to keeping my readers updated on the events and happenings on campus. Today (Tuesday, 8/31), we had the Pilot Class and Sixth Age Popsicle Parties to welcome our youngest students and get them (and their parents) acclimated to the school routine. On Wednesday, the 2010-2011 school year commences! To say that I am excited is an understatement. There will be ample energy and enthusiasm in both the Lower School and the Middle School, despite the heat. I look forward to shaking hands, popping in to all the classrooms, and wishing teachers and students the very best of luck for an outstanding school year. We will open school with 579 students--383 in the Lower School and 196 in the Middle School. For the third consecutive year, we will start school with an all-time high enrollment. Here we go!