Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More Snow!

Welcome to the North Pole, also known as Calvert School! We have been buried by not one but two blizzards this week. Our maintenance crew worked incredibly hard Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday to dig us out after the first big storm...and then the second blizzard started Tuesday afternoon and is still going strong as I write this post on Wednesday evening. We have been closed all week and decided earlier today to announce a closure until Tuesday, February 16. Our crew will have five days to get us ready for Tuesday, and I suspect we will need all five days, especially since another storm is expected for Monday into Tuesday! I hope that all my readers in the Mid-Atlantic region are safe and warm. On an ironic note, I heard that Vancouver, home of the 2010 Winter Olympics, is experiencing a (relative) heat wave and is having to manufacture snow for their venues. I know where Vancouver can get some real snow...they can send a convoy of trucks to Baltimore and we can load them up for free! Take care and be safe as we all dig out from the blizzards of 2010.